FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 6, 2022 Contact: Denise Romano, Protection from Abusive Passengers Act Can’t Be Passed Soon Enough, We Need the Banned Passenger List Now! The Transport Workers Union of America, the nation’s largest airline union representing over 65,000 aviation workers, is encouraged by the introduction of the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act…
On March 31, TWU Local 592 members who work as Aircraft Dispatchers for Alaska Airlines ratified their tentative agreement with an 80% vote. “Congratulations for overwhelmingly ratifying your new contract,” said TWU Local 592 President Jenny Schar. “It provides industry competitive wages at all steps in scale, improves our benefits, and adds other quality-of-life enhancements which…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 31, 2022 Contact: Denise Romano, The TWU Endorses the Safe Aircraft Maintenance Standards Act Ensures the Safety of Aviation Workers and the Flying Public, Prevents Offshoring Washington, DC – Today, the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) strongly endorsed new legislation to that establishes a new level of safety and…
(This article is preview and will appear in the Summer 2022 issue of the TWU Express magazine) In our latest TWU Express series, “Women in Nontraditional Workplace Roles,” we interview TWU members who are women performing jobs traditionally done by men. Each issue will feature a Q&A with a member. This time it’s Local 514…