Big Win for unemployed, sick, and injured railroad workers that restores benefits unfairly slashed over a decade ago The newly released text of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act includes language that boosts unemployment and sick benefits to eligible railroad workers by 5.7%. Railroad workers who are laid off or sidelined by a long-term illness or…
TWU members at Local 234 in Philadelphia voted to ratify a new one-year contract with the Southeastern Regional Transportation Authority – a deal that includes a 5% pay raise and safety improvements including including bulletproof enclosures on buses to protect Bus Operators, upgrades to radios, and fixes to allow uninterrupted communication in tunnels. The deal…
This is the monthly edition of the Transport Workers Union’s Transportation Technology Newsletter. We aim to inform and educate our members, the labor movement, the public and policymakers about developments in transportation technology – and what the TWU is doing to ensure that new technology doesn’t undermine safety or harm the livelihoods of hard-working blue-collar…
Workers at the Washington Area Bicyclist Association received a commitment for voluntary recognition from their employer just days after announcing their intent to form a union with Transport Workers Union of America Local 320. This is the first time The TWU has organized employees at a bike-related non-profit after years of successfully organizing mechanics, technicians, and other workers at…