FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2021 Contact: Denise Romano, After Yet Another Flight Attendant Assault, TWU Renews Call for Unruly Passenger No-Fly List WASHINGTON, DC – So far in 2021, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recorded more than 5,000 incidents of unruly passenger behavior onboard aircraft and airports – a 2,000 percent increase…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 16, 2021 Contact: Travis Reuther, TWU President John Samuelsen: Government Agencies and Transportation Companies Must Do Far More to Protect Transportation Workers from Assault Frontline workers continue to face major increase in physical assaults in our transportation systems On Tuesday, November 16th, Transport Workers Union President John Samuelsen testified before the U.S….
The TWU JetBlue/IFC Negotiating Team (NT) has been deep in talks with JetBlue Leadership, fighting to secure a strong, foundational contract that Inflight Crewmembers can be proud of and feel respected by. We heard you loud and clear—we need company accountability, a pay raise, and a legally binding contract that prevents the Company from implementing…