WASHINGTON – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is extending the face mask requirement for individuals across all transportation networks throughout the United States, including at airports, onboard commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems through September 13. TSA’s initial face mask requirement went into effect on February 1 with an…
April 20, 2021 The Association presented its first arbitration case. At issue is the Control Crew Chief work that American Airlines transitioned from Crew Chiefs to management. Testimony was given by representatives of the TWU and the IAM far-reaching from across the country, from Charlotte to Dallas and Los Angeles to Phoenix. The Association strongly…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 13, 2021 Contact: Travis Reuther, treuther@twu.org The TWU Congratulates Polly Trottenberg on Confirmation as Deputy Transportation Secretary This statement can be attributed to Transport Workers Union of America International President John Samuelsen: “Polly Trottenberg will be an excellent Deputy Transportation Secretary. During her time with the New York City Department of Transportation, Ms….
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 12, 2021 Contact: Travis Reuther, treuther@twu.org The TWU Supports Nuria Fernandez for Federal Transit Administrator at DoT Transport Workers Union also supports Cal/OSHA Chief Doug Parker for Assistant Secretary of OSHA at DoL Following the nominations of Nuria Fernandez and Doug Parker, this statement can be attributed to Transport Workers Union of America…