When Amtrak announced it might cut nearly 2,000 On-Board Service careers back in 2018, the TWU Railroad Division immediately started a campaign to halt the attack on our members. We held press conferences and rallies in Washington, DC, New York City, Boston and Chicago, demanding that Amtrak stop the cuts. The events garnered enough headlines…
Click here to listen to the New TWU Air Division Podcast episode – American Airlines Announces Employee Reductions. Click here to view all TWU Podcast episodes.
Tomorrow, please join us in watching the March on Washington virtually, info is below: If there ever was a year that underscored the importance of collective action, and the significance of civil rights activism, it is the year 2020. After months of protests, online petitions, campaigns, and boycotts, we’ve seen firsthand the power we have…
August 27, 2020 As you all know American has announced that, barring intervention from Congress, it intends to begin furloughs October 1st. Your Association leadership was only provided with the reduction information late last night. We have met with the company on this issue, and we continue to work to limit the impact on our members…