On May 6, Local 234 member Russell Gardner got up, went to work at the NRG station and found a surprise waiting for him: SEPTA threw him a party in honor of his 50th work anniversary. Gardner, who is a Custodian, has only called out sick twice in his half-century career. “This is something to…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 7, 2020 Contact: Travis Reuther, treuther@twu.org The Transport Workers Union Endorses Joe Biden for President Washington, D.C. – As transportation workers continue to suffer through the ongoing pandemic, we are all reminded of the importance of strong, pro-worker leadership at every level. More than 110 TWU members have died and another…
Transport workers have been among the hardest hit groups in the country by COVID-19, with more than 8 percent of TWU members having died, tested positive, or been quarantined due to the virus. But throughout the pandemic, the TWU has launched fightbacks in cities across the country, winning critical protections for our members who are…
April 28, 2020 To our TWU membership at Southwest Airlines: The TWU International leadership was glad to hear Gary Kelly in his recent video say that he would fight for the livelihoods of our members. We were even more appreciative of the fact that he recognized the workforce as Southwest Airlines most important asset. Mr….