Published 07 Nov, 2012

Whether you voted Democratic, Independent, Libertarian or Republican, America made her voice heard last night.
Last night’s victory for the middle class was won because of the power of the people, not the power of money. Hundreds of TWU members around the country tirelessly phone banked and canvassed to get out the vote these past few months. Your hard work got people to the polls and helped vote in a President who supports working families.
The message received around the world was loud and clear. The middle class matters. Working families matter. Women matter. Human rights matter. Every vote matters. Corporate greed will not run our government, people will.
The road to re-election began four years ago for President Obama and while it has had its ups and downs, the people have made their voices heard. Today, the real work of moving forward begins. We must continue to use our voices, to work with each other and our allies, to hold all elected officials accountable. We still face numerous challenges but working together, we can bring progress.
On behalf of the Transport Workers Union of America, I congratulate President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and all of the men and women who were elected to serve last night. May God bless them to serve in the interest of the people.
James C. Little