Published 10 Nov, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
[November 11, 2014] Today, the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO honors all veterans for their extraordinary service. We thank our veterans for the safety and security that we enjoy every day, and for their many sacrifices in protecting the American way of life.
TWU is proud to count among our ranks thousands of veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces. These men and women exemplify the courage, commitment and brotherhood that defines the American spirit and champions our freedom to the world.
As union brothers and sisters, our TWU veterans have continued to dedicate their energy to protecting Americans through activism in the labor movement. Many of our union’s elected officers, representatives, and actively engaged rank and file members are military veterans. Our TWU Veterans Committee serves as a shining example of true labor power, through its many community service projects and its effective political and legislative work across the country.
TWU is committed to doing everything we can to support veterans within our union and nationally, in recognition of our debt for their service to our country.
It is a national shame that when America’s veterans retire from active duty, they are often subject to unnecessary hardships on the homefront. It is well-known that America’s veterans frequently suffer from prolonged unemployment or underemployment — at a significantly higher rate than the national average. This problem is made worse by a number of other factors, including the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ failure to provide the most basic services in a reasonable timeframe.
It is without question our duty as Americans to work together to remove the obstacles our veterans face in making a smooth and successful transition to civilian life. Organized labor is at the forefront of this critical work. Our core mission is to protect every man and woman’s ability to get a job, receive fair compensation for their work, and achieve the American dream.
But we face an uphill battle. Every day, anti-worker forces are using big money to tilt the playing field against working men and women and make it harder for unions to defend workers’ rights and collectively bargain. As companies ship jobs overseas, increase part-time positions and cut wages and benefits, millions are left struggling to make ends meet.
We owe it to America’s veterans — and all Americans — to ensure that everyone who is willing and able to work can get a good paying job. This is the foundation of the American dream that our veterans risked their lives to protect.
TWU International leadership and the officers of the TWU Veterans Committee (TWUVC) thank all veterans for their sacrifice and many contributions to our nation and our union. We stand with you in solidarity, and we are committed to leveling the playing field through close work with elected officials and in our communities.
To learn more about the TWU Veterans Committee and how you can get involved, please visit or contact directly TWU International Representative and TWUVC Liaison Jose Galarza at
In Solidarity,
Harry Lombardo, International President
John Samuelsen, International Executive Vice President
Alex Garcia, International Secretary-Treasurer
John Bland, International Administrative Vice President
Gary Maslanka, International Administrative Vice President
Hank Trujillo, TWUVC Chairman
Robert J Velasquez, TWUVC Vice Chairman
Pete Meyer, TWUVC Recording Secretary
Jose Galarza, International Representative and TWUVC Liaison