Published 01 Apr, 2015

All members should have received at their home address an official TWU Membership Survey, along with an important communication from International President Harry Lombardo. Your union is requesting that you fill out the survey in its entirety and return it to TWU.
If you have not yet received your survey or would prefer to submit it electronically, you can access the survey online at Please note that the survey will only be available online through April 17, 2015.
The TWU International administration is committed to taking every opportunity to engage and communicate with union members. As stated in President Lombardo’s letter enclosed with the survey: We are asking for your ideas, concerns and opinions. In order for our union to be as effective as possible — and for leadership to be truly responsive to the needs of our members — TWU needs to hear directly from you.
This is a democratic union, and that means every single member has a right to be heard. But that’s not just your right, it is also your duty as a TWU member — to use your experience and ideas to benefit your brothers and sisters, and to strengthen our union so that it works for everyone.
Thank you for all that you do on a daily basis to build our union and support your TWU sisters and brothers. The International administration looks forward to using all that we learn from you to direct TWU’s resources effectively and responsibly.