Published 16 Feb, 2012

TWU members from the Rail and Transit divisions joined forces with other Amtrak workers and their brothers and sisters from UNITE HERE and TCU Feb. 13-15 on Capitol Hill to have their voices heard against the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (HR7) that would eliminate all dedicated funding for public transportation and provide for the contracting-out of 2000 highly trained AMTRAK On-Board Service Workers.
TWU members and fellow Amtrak workers proudly wore their union logos and home state accessories as they entered House members’ offices expressing what they have at stake if HR7 were to pass.
“ This is my career,” said Amy Griffin TWU Local 1460 Vice President and an Amtrak On-Board Service Worker. “ I’ve put my life into it.”
Many, such as Griffin who has spent the last 25 years of her life as an Amtrak On-Board Service Worker, shared similar personal stories and concerns about their good middle class jobs that would be eliminated by HR7.
On-Board Service Workers, just like Flight Attendants, are responsible for the safety of all passengers in an emergency and are highly trained in safety and security.
If eliminated, they would be replaced with unqualified workers not trained to carry out the critical safety functions needed in an emergency situation.
“This is such an important issue to fight for,” said Brian Delucia, Local 2055 President. “ I feel like if Congress can do this to this group, they can do it to anyone else.”
Delucia was just one of the many who participated in the three days of lobbying as they were divided into teams covering as much ground as possible hitting over 240 offices urging a vote no on HR7.
They also heard from Rail and Transit Directors, Gary Maslanka and Jeffrey L. Brooks Sr., about the detrimental effects HR7 will have if implemented.
“Your very own livelihood is at stake,” said Brooks to a room full of Local 100 members lobbying on Wednesday.
TWU International’s Department of Legislative and Political Affairs (DLPA) assisted the divisions’ members with their lobbying efforts providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to carry out their efforts.
“Our efforts this week were very instrumental in not only informing House members of our issues but putting a face on them,” said DLPA Director Portia Reddick White. “ Our TWU Rail and Transit members blazed upon Capitol Hill letting them know that their careers matter and that the policies that have been proposed in HR 7 The American Energy & Infrastructure Act, are harmful to working people, the middle class, and the economy. TWU made a difference!”
On Feb. 3, the TWU took a stance against HR7 (set to be voted on after President’s Day) because of its cuts to funding and elimination of jobs and OSHA protections among numerous other provisions that are backward policies for America’s transportation and will negatively affect public transportation as we know it.
TWU members will continue to have their voices heard loud and clear against HR 7 and you can join us by calling 1-888-782-0323 and tell the operator you want to speak to your Representative by giving your zip code.
We need a surface transportation bill that creates good jobs now instead of eliminating them.